Bleisure-Trends Remote Work

Remote work on the sea

“In autumn, Michael Haufe and his team will start a multi-part sailing trip through the world’s oceans. On board there will be people who want to spend two to four weeks travelling and unwinding at sea while also working, if they want to. One place has been reserved for a reader of ­Bleisure Traveller.”

In 2014, Michael Haufe (F.l.) had already travelled around the world’s oceans for 15 months with a crew and changing co-sailors. A lifelong dream come true for the founder of Teamgeist AG, which organises team events with water sports activities for up to 1,000 people: “For me, sailing is pure freedom, maximum independence from resources and enables the idea of free enterprise, where you can run companies without always being there in person.”

360 Grad Teamgeist Resort at Wolziger See

At the time, his ocean-going yacht Polaris, a Hanse 47, also functioned as an offshore office with a satellite phone, VHF, German and local mobile phones and several WIFI networks for communicating with the Teamgeist team and family. “In the meantime, accessibility on ships has taken a quantum leap, but even back then we were able to show that entrepreneurs don’t have to wear shackles with all the mobile options, delegation and trust,” says Michael Haufe. “Anyone who can manage their business with the same rigour as at home with flip-flops on their feet will be rewarded with a coconut drink at the end of the day.”

When Michael Haufe returned to his permanent desk at Lake Wolziner See south of Berlin in 2016, his next project actually­­ became a permanent local task: the design and construction of the 360° Teamgeist Resort for Teamgeist guests and for anyone who wants to experience Bleisure alone, with team or family. It has just been completed and Michael and his wife Isabel are now also the hoteliers. At the same time, the next sailing tour is pending: the Go-for-Team-Spirit until around 2030 with several two- to four-week itineraries (see box). Michael Haufe will be on some of them, but the main aim is for people to be able to sail with his team who are looking for a “temporary break”, who want to empty their minds and rethink in the company of like-minded people. Fast internet for those who also want to work is guaranteed. “But we can also switch it off,” says Michael Haufe.

On the first tours, he has ­offered a place for a Bleisure Traveller reader at a special price. Anyone inter­ested can send us a brief introduction and motivation as text or video by 30.9.24 to:
We will report on the trip.

Go-for-TeamSpirit Tour

5.10. – 18.10.24: Barcelona – Gibraltar

19.10. – 2.11.24: Gibraltar – Gran Canaria
(optional place for Bleisure Traveller for a special price of 1.700 Euro instead of 3 .000 Euro).

6.11.24 – 17.11.24 Atlantic Light:
Gran Canaria – Cape Verde

(opt. place for Bleisure Traveller for a special p. o. 1.700 Euro).

23.11.24 – 14.12.24 Atlantic Crossing:
Cape Verde – St.Lucia/Caribbean

(opt. place for Bleisure Traveller for a special p. o. 4.200 Euro instead of 6.000 Euro).

1.3.25 – 28.3.25 Pacific Crossing / Galapagos – Marquesas (Hiva Oa) (opt. place for Bleisure Traveller for special p. o. 4.200 Euro Euro).

Further plan:
2025 French Polynesia, Cook Inseln, Tonga, Hawaii
2026 Fiji, Samoa, Tuvalu, Kiribati
2027 Marshall I., Solomon Islands, Neuguinea

Fotos: © Michael Haufe, 360 Grad Teamgeist Resort