“How does business prosper in Corona times? How does Bleisure work without travel? With direction, calculation and confidence. Angela Barzen, Managing Director of Business-Wellbeing and guest author of Bleisure Traveller
Use Home office instead of packing for the next business travel leisure trip. Video chat instead of on-site exchange. Our high-speed train has come to a complete stop at full speed. Anyone who was just living in the maximum mobility from A to B to C is now dependent on fixed locations with digital connections – and in the worst case scenario, there are major worries about business that have been stopped by Corona.
What helps to better manage the pressure and quarantine? How can we do well with it? How can we support our business partners, employees or colleagues besides our family?
When it comes to business well-being in Corona times, we need first and foremost to believe in the formula: Everything will be fine. In addition, we need to accept what we cannot change. And: having a positive goal in mind that attracts us strongly – including opportunities to make a contribution. It’s a matter of seizing opportunities and leaving the tunnel vision behind. To develop strategies to achieve new goals. But how is this to be achieved with curfews, cancelled orders and the threat of short-time work
Find the reset button
The goal is the same for all of us: we want to get through this time well. And, ideally, emerge from the situation stronger. Psychology calls this spirit resilience. So if we already fall into a hole, then take the situation into our own hands and find ways and means to get better or better.
This requires positive emotions, which are already provided by the “little” things. For example, gratitude for the technical possibilities that make it possible to be connected to the whole world. Pride that everyone sticks together. The pleasure of being able to do sport every day. The joy of being healthy and spending more time with the family. And having fun researching now what else you would like to see in the world. Plan and become an explorer!
Positive emotions make you open for new things, for ideas, for resources and possibilities. We find ways to deal with the situation better – an upward spiral is set in motion and an “undoing effect” sets in: Positive emotions push the reset button during stress and strain.
The world slides together
Something else is added for the ideal case: relationships within the contact ban. Living relationships by actively reaching out to others. Until recently, social media channels were often notorious as “communication killers”, but now they are the ideal means to participate in each other’s business and lives. From videoconferencing via a number of platforms to online consultations around the world to exchanging ideas on Linkedin or Facebook – the world is coming together, we’re looking for ways forward together. Many of us have more time than usual, more time on the phone. With business partners you would have just visited without Corona, you can exchange views about your own families, talk about the respective challenges in the companies and appreciate each other. After all, appreciation is what the Corona crisis is all about. It creates trust and promotes a willingness to work together on solutions. Appreciation provides a stability that is urgently needed.
Virtual travel to the business partner
And so it’s all about Pathway Thinking – that is, deciding on new paths that immediately have a positive effect on our behaviour. All this is combined with creativity and flexibility, because surprises and resistance can always arise that require adaptation. So let’s integrate positive feelings and confidence into our lives right now, because they have been proven to promote well-being and strengthen the immune system, creativity and performance.
And even if we can’t get on the plane now, we can do this in our thoughts or by phone or video chat. We can bring the places and people to us in pictures and conversations. That alone gives a good feeling.
Angela Barzen …
motivates herself with renovations in and around the house and yard. A lot of training and education in companies has just been postponed. Nevertheless, she has no doubts about her resilience, she has enough ideas, and now also does online coaching. Whoever has desire, cannot get enough of it under ab@angela-barzen.de or www.business-wellbeing.de.
Fotos: © Barzen, Konzack